Thursday, 25 April 2019

GRcade Twitchcast Episode 12 - A Car Ride and Awkwardness!

Doom and Pedz are the hosts this week.

There is a point where Doom has to leave but joins via his phone on HANDS-FREE to continue talking, but for a short period of time Pedz is left on his own. While Pedz likes talking he feels that he needs a person to bounce off and being alone is where the awkwardness of the title is from. Silly Pedz.

Big 3 under UK investigation over online games and services

Someone beat Mario 64 in 70 hours... With 1 Button?!

Prince Harry wants Fortnight banned :/

Borderlands 3 will have the best gun ever and Rage 2 has the best cheat ever. A little about some cool little odd things in games.

Microsoft set to reveal Game Pass ultimate, which is both Game Pass and XBL Gold and will be cheaper than being bought separately.

And then there's the Xbox Live Gold price increase in the UK only, Wonder what is the cause of this....?

Sunday, 7 April 2019

GRcade Twitchcast Episode 11 - Lots to Discuss!

Doom and Pedz are you hosts for Episode 11.

The guys talk about several things, Monolith Soft and Zelda, where speculation is made on their involvement, and where the Zelda franchise will go after Breath of the Wild, as well as what we would like to see and if we'd be willing to go back to a more focused Zelda game.

Next is the Sega Mega Drive Mini. A little chat is had about this, Pedz even pre-ordered his.

Then Switch online and Amazon are mentioned before talking about the 2 supposedly leaked Switch models.

Lastly, talk is on Sony's State of play, Driveclub going bye-bye and then Elder Scrolls Granny.